

Out Of The Woods….And Into The Woods

Just in the nick of time and over the last two weeks, the Jemez has received significant moisture. I think that we are “out of the woods” with regard to fire danger for the rest of this year. So….it is time to get “into the woods” and enjoy all that a moist, green, cool and inviting forest has to offer.


July Fourth Forest Forecast

The rains have arrived and the forest closure has been postponed. As of now the forest is open. While we have received some rain, it is still very dry, and we are still under Stage II Fire Restrictions. All campgrounds and forest roads are open. No campfires or charcoal are allowed anywhere within the Santa Fe National Forest-Jemez Ranger District.


Forest Service Campgrounds Set To Open

All Forest Service Campgrounds within the Santa Fe National Forest – Jemez Ranger District are scheduled to open Friday May 11th. This includes San Antonio Campground, Redondo, Jemez Falls, and Paliza Campgrounds.


Now is the Time

The thawing of Fenton Lake is nearly complete and now is the best time of the year to fish Fenton. The fish are hungry, active and anxious to attack your offering. Some of Fenton’s larger fish become a little careless this time of year….so, now is the time to latch onto that trophy.


Young Fisherman Goes Bonkers on the Rio Cebolla

Last Saturday and Sunday eight year old Kendrik Johns caught and released over a hundred rainbows each day using dark colored nymphs and Elk Hair Caddis. “If I had not seen it happening with my own eyes, I would not have believed it”, according to Kendrik’s dad Erik.

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