

Out Of The Woods….And Into The Woods

Just in the nick of time and over the last two weeks, the Jemez has received significant moisture. I think that we are “out of the woods” with regard to fire danger for the rest of this year. So….it is time to get “into the woods” and enjoy all that a moist, green, cool and inviting forest has to offer.


Jemez Forest to Reopen

According to sources, a decision was made yesterday (Wed Jul 27) to reopen the Santa Fe National Forest effective Saturday, July 30th.
The forest will revert to stage I fire resrtictions. All campgrounds will be opened, all forest roads will be opened, all picnic areas and fishing access areas will be opened. Stage 1 fire restrictions will be in place, which means campfires will be allowed only in designated campgrounds and picnic areas. Gas and propane stoves, and grills are allowed throughout the forest.

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