

Out Of The Woods….And Into The Woods

Just in the nick of time and over the last two weeks, the Jemez has received significant moisture. I think that we are “out of the woods” with regard to fire danger for the rest of this year. So….it is time to get “into the woods” and enjoy all that a moist, green, cool and inviting forest has to offer.


Happy Father's Day….And Don't Bring The Matches

This weekend is Father’s Day (Sunday June 17), and if history is any indication, the Jemez Mountains will be a popular destination for Dad and family. Camping, fishing, hiking and relaxing will all provide mountain activities for Dad. Fenton Lake (4900 fish), Jemez River (1500 fish) and San Gregorio Lake (8000 fish) have all been stocked for the weekend.


Forest Service Campgrounds Set To Open

All Forest Service Campgrounds within the Santa Fe National Forest – Jemez Ranger District are scheduled to open Friday May 11th. This includes San Antonio Campground, Redondo, Jemez Falls, and Paliza Campgrounds.


Kudos To Our Campers

Thanks to all, from all of us here at Amanda’s. We appreciate your patronage during what has been our most


Here's the Skinny – Labor Day in the Jemez Mountains

Labor Day weekend is upon us. Four days in the beautiful Jemez Mountains at a most beautiful time of the year.
The forest is open with no fire restrictions. It is gorgeous, green and inviting. All of the areas that folks normally use for recreation are accessable and unaffected by the Las Conchas Fire. Hiking trails, forest roads, hot springs, fishing access and all campgrounds are open for use.


Love It or Hate It – The changes to Spence Hot Springs

The new Spence Hot Springs parking lot and access trail were opened today (Sat July 30th) in conjunction with the reopening of the Santa Fe National Forest. The parking area has been improved, paved and striped for seven parking spots. This renovation has greatly reduced the parking capacity of this popular area and according to the forest service, will greatly reduce the use and overuse of the Spence Hot Springs. It is also designed to reduce the threat of flooding and trail erosion.

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