Wintertime Fishing in the Jemez

Upper Jemez River

While most of the streams in the Jemez Mountains and Northern New Mexico are frozen and covered with snow right now, the Jemez RiverĀ  just an hour from Albuquerque, provides an excellent opportunity for Winter fishing. The Jemez River is formed at Battleship Rock by the confluence of the San Antonio River and the East Fork. The river flows south along State Hwy 4 and provides excellent trout habitat for about twelve miles where the bridge for Hwy 485 crosses the river. It is this section of river that is stocked throughout the winter months.
Because the water is very cold, it is not necessary to be on the river very early. In fact the opposite is true. The best fishing on the Jemez during winter time months is from noon to 3:00pm. Pick a sunny day with little wind and you will be rewarded with a pleasant experience and some trout to take home for dinner. Watch the barometer as well. I have learned that a falling barometer has a negative effect on fishing, no matter the time of year.

The lower Jemez (below the Village of Jemez Springs) is mainly a Rainbow Trout fishery with very few Brown Trout anymore. A few large Browns lurk in the deeper holes but stocked Rainbows will be your prey. The river was last stocked on January 30th with 2916 fish. Fisherfolks have been doing well with most baits, but I would recommend salmon eggs as the most consistant bait. Fly fishers have been doing well with dark colored nymphs such as a Prince Nymph or Pheasant Tail. On top I have had reports of success with Elk Hair Caddis and Olive Goddard. I maintain that if the stocked Rainbows are feeding, just about anything will provide some action.

As a reminder, Amanda’s is open every day throughout the Winter and we do maintain a nice inventory of tackle and bait, including live nightcrawlers and worms. We also have a nice selection of flies. Stop in and see us and grab something warm or cold to drink and some munchies. We get a little lonely this time of year.

Lower Jemez River

Ditch the ditch and come to the Jemez.


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