Spring Break – 2015

Fenton Lake - March 2015
Fenton Lake – March 2015

With various school districts on spring break  and warm, sunny weather predominate…the Jemez Mountains will be quite the attractive destination over the next few weeks.

While I certainly do not wish to discourage any visitors to the Jemez (or Amanda’s Country Store), there are some things you need to be aware of prior to your visit.

First of all, the positive. Right now, and really the next couple of months, is the best time to fish the Jemez. While some streams may be swollen with spring run-off, there is always somewhere to find optimal conditions. Check out our Jemez Fishing Report section for specific fishing recommendations. The best fishing of the year at Fenton Lake is right now. The winter ice has just come off the lake and the holdover rainbows, browns and cutthroats are voraciously hungry. Some may be in the 16 to 20″ range. All baits, flashy spoons and spinners and large streamer flies will all be effective.

Because of the late winter snows, many of the hiking trails may be snowy, icy or muddy. Use caution when hiking to the area

FR144 Popular Camping Area - Will Remain Closed Until Conditions Permit
FR144 Popular Camping Area – Will Remain Closed Until Conditions Permit

hot springs and other destinations. The Forest Service tries to have most forest roads open by April 1st to accommodate the spring turkey hunters, but that may be difficult this year, with many roads still covered with snow. With forest roads being closed, camping opportunities will be somewhat limited. Vista Linda Campground at mile post 13 on Hwy 4 has 13 spots open and Fenton Lake State Park has six spots open…all first come first served. Even though camping opportunities will be limited, we can direct you to some lesser known areas. Please stop in the store and we will direct you.

To summarize, while conditions at lower elevations may feel like spring or even summer like, that may not be the case here in the high country of the Jemez mountains. Be aware that camping may be difficult…nighttime temperatures cold…roads closed, muddy or snowy…and improved campgrounds limited. That being said, fishing is terrific and the Jemez Mountains are always conducive for creating family memories, so load up Grandma and the kids and come visit us this spring break. Be sure and stop in to Amanda’s Jemez Mountain Country Store. We really appreciate your business.

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