Labor Day 2013….What You Need To Know

Jemez Mountain San Antonio Hot Springs
San Antonio Hot Springs

Labor Day Weekend provides for the last three day weekend of the summer and is a popular time for families and friends to enjoy their ‘last hurrah’ in the Jemez Mountains.

The Jemez Mountains are beautiful right now with lots of wildflowers and damp, grass covered terrain. Although, we have had a great ‘monsoon’ with lots of rain, the forecast for this weekend is calling for warm sunny days and cool nights with only a slight chance for afternoon showers. It should be a perfect camping weekend. Fenton Lake State Park, San Antonio Campground (reservation only), along with Jemez Falls and Vista Linda campgrounds will provide opportunities for improved camping. These campgrounds will fill up fast, possibly as early as Wednesday night or Thursday afternoon. However, there are limitless dispersed camping opportunities along the forest roads. These are not campgrounds in these dispersed areas so you will have to do without picnic tables, bathrooms, neighbors (for the most part) and fees. If you need help locating these areas please stop by the store and we will be more than happy to point you in the right direction.

Fire danger is rated as Moderate right now and there are no fire restrictions currently within the Santa Fe National Forest – Jemez Ranger District. Enjoy your campfires, but enjoy responsibly.

Fishing is improving, as most waters in the Jemez are clearing significantly. All waters are fishable now and I have heard that the hatchery truck will be out and about tomorrow (Friday Aug 30th). Even the lake is improving ( water quality wise) and most anglers are catching fish.  The Rio Cebolla from the lake on up to the Seven Springs Hatchery and the Kid’s Pond (11yr and younger) at the hatchery continue to provide the best fishing.  Click on our ‘Fishing Report’ section for more detailed information.

Lucy and Her Big One From The Kid's Pond
Lucy and Her Big One From The Kid’s Pond

The East Fork corridor ( EF Trail 137) including popular hiking opportunities to the ‘cliff jumps’, McCauley Warm Springs, Jemez Falls and Spence Hot Springs, remains closed. I know a lot of folks are ignoring the closure signs, but be aware, that fines can be hefty if you are caught. The Forest Road 376 to the San Antonio Hot Springs is rough, but open.

The Forest Service is really promoting the “pack it in….pack it out” philosophy, so please plan on cleaning up your campsite and hauling your trash out.

We’d love to see you in the Jemez this weekend….but if plans keep you in town, please try and make time for the Lobos football team vs Texas-San Antonio at University Stadium, 6:00 pm Saturday (Aug 31). Go Lobos.


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