Jemez Mountain Wildfires

Smoke From The Diego Fire As Seen From San Antonio Canyon To The North
Smoke From The Diego Fire As Seen From San Antonio Canyon To The North

June 29, 2014

For the latest fire information, go to

The Diego Fire is located in the SFNF Coyote Ranger District. I normally do not comment on incidents outside the Jemez Ranger District, but because of the high visibility of the smoke from this fire in the La Cueva, Fenton Lake area, I feel the need to inform. This fire is located approximately twenty miles north of La Cueva and threatens none of the recreational areas within the Jemez Ranger District. Other than smoke in the far distance and the occasional air tanker overhead, there is no evidence of this fire. It is business as usual here.

As of 3:00 pm Sunday, June 14th, the Diego Fire had grown to 200 acres. The fire was lightning caused and was first detected earlier last week. No structures are threatened and the fire remains on Federal lands. The closest private lands are approximately one mile from the fire. It is burning primarily dead fuels.

Closer to home, another fire broke out Sunday afternoon above the Seven Springs Fish Hatchery  just off Forest Road 314. This fire was caused by a tree coming in contact with a power line and was quickly suppressed and contained at approximately one acre.

Soaking rains are hoped for… and forecast for the middle of this week.

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