Happy Mother's Day

I don’t know how you do it Moms. You are very special. Whenever I see a Mom juggling groceries and kids in a parking lot…. I am amazed. Whenever I see you coming home from work and providing a meal, helping with the homework and baths or showers….I am amazed. When I see you shuffling the kids to school, soccer practice, baseball or football….I am amazed. Whenever I see you in the audience supporting your children’s recital or concert….I am amazed. Whenever I think of childbirth….I am amazed. Whenever I realize that moms ‘don’t get sick’ while everybody around them does….I am amazed.

You are amazing.

May this Mother’s Day and every day be happy and rewarding.

From JemezCentral. com and Amanda’s Jemez Mountain Country Store.

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