Forest Roads and Campgrounds

As of April 13, 2011 all forest roads within the Santa Fe National Forest (Jemez Ranger District) are open for travel, hunting and camping. The one exception being FR376 north of Hwy 126 to the San Antonio Hot Springs. This road will remain closed until June 1st.

All Forest Service campgrounds are now open. The Forest Service opened the gates on May 6th. As of May 15th the water had not been turned on yet due to the chance of freezing. Please bring drinking water with you or Amanda’s is a nice option for water.

2 thoughts on “Forest Roads and Campgrounds”

  1. The posted information on this blog is incorrect. I was just up at Jemez yesterday and NFR 105 had a gate closing the entrance. I saw another forest service road off highway 4, though don’t know what number it was, and it was closed off as well. 376 is indeed closed as I saw that cars were parked in front of gate.

    1. Just curious…what posted information is incorrect?

      All forest roads that I specify as open are indeed open.

      I pride myself on posting accurate information.

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