Feliz Navidad

Amanda's Gingerbread Store
Heather and Her Gingerbread Store
Merry Christmas From Amanda's

Season’s greetings from the beautiful Jemez Mountains and Amanda’s Jemez Mountain Country Store.
As we reflect on this past year, we recognize that it has been a rough one for many. With an extended recession affecting many, the Las Conchas Fire and a forest closure, it has been a challenging year. Having said that, we have been richly blessed. Many of our blessings come because of you, our friends and customers. We appreciate your patronage and friendship and wish you all a Merry Christmas, happy holidays and a prosperous and Happy New Year.
We encourage all to consider ways to serve others, in the manner of the Great Exemplar. During this coming year may God richly bless you and yours.

Feliz NavidadĀ y Prospero Ano Nuevo.

And for a New Year’s resolution……
take a kid fishing…..often.
The Ridgeback Cafe sponsered a gingerbread house contest. Young Heather from La Cueva baked and built a gingerbread store….Amanda’s.

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