Conditions are perfect for a terrific last hurrah….Labor Day Weekend in the Jemez. We have had a good ‘monsoon’ season with good moisture. Spotty at times but good. The fire danger currently is at moderate with no fire restrictions. As always, please be careful with your campfires. The weather for this weekend is predicted to be perfect, almost fall like. Warm days and cool nights with a 10 to 20% chance of afternoon showers. Water conditions on the creeks have improved dramatically over the last week or so. The East Fork, Rio San Antonio and Jemez River have all cleared and are very fishable. Most waterways and Fenton Lake are scheduled for stocking this week, so there should be plenty of fish to keep your lines tight. Check back with JemezCentral for stocking info.
Amanda’s invites you to enjoy a three day weekend in the Jemez. Whether you are camping, fishing, hunting, hiking, cliff jumping, hot springing, relaxing around the campfire with loved ones….or all of the above, this is the place to be. Conditions are perfect.
One final note….if the Jemez is not in your plans, please support Lobo Football and usher the Bob Davie era by attending UNM’s opener Saturday at University Stadium, 3:00pm. Go Lobos.