Caution is the Word

In my opinion, the delay in reopening the forest, is caution, caution, caution. With the Las Conchas Fire ( the largest in the State’s history) still smoldering after consuming nearly 157,000 acres, the last thing the Forest Service wants to do is open the forest prematurely. Should another fire erupt, it would be a public relations nightmare.

That being said, most of the forest has had enough rainfall to greatly reduce the risk of a wildfire spreading quickly. Last week we had three new fire starts (lightning caused) and the fires were contained quickly. Relative humidity, winds, temperatures and fuel moisture levels have all been favorable.

The Forest Service is meeting again tomorrow (Wednesday) and I think a decision will be made to reopen the forest with restrictions. This is just my opinion….so do not make plans until we receive official word.

Stay tuned to for the latest word.

1 thought on “Caution is the Word”

  1. We sure hope that you are correct. We really wish that they would open for this weekend. Let’s keep our fingers crossed.


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