2019 Camping Information

2019 is going to prove to be a unique year with regard to camping in the Jemez Ranger District of the Santa Fe National Forest. Here are the many changes to consider before heading out for a camping excursion to the Jemez.

Both San Antonio and Jemez Falls Campgrounds are reservation only. (https://www.reserveamerica.com) There will be no first come, first served at these two popular campgrounds. Jemez Falls Campground (one loop) and Picnic Area will be open for Easter Weekend (April 17-24) and then closed until May 15th…at which time it will reopen for the balance of the summer season. San Antonio Campground will open for the summer season on May 15th.

San Antonio Campground is Reservation Only

Redondo Campground is one of a few first come, first served campgrounds in the Jemez and will be open this year for the Memorial Day Weekend only. This popular campground will be closed for the balance of the season in order to facilitate the installation of new toilets within the campground.

Vista Linda Campground is open year-round.  Paliza Campground (located past Ponderosa off Forest Road 10 via NM Hwy 290) will be open May 15th and throughout the balance of the season. Both of these campgrounds are first come, first served.

Fenton Lake State Park is open for fishing and camping ( 36 campsites) with most of those being first come first served. Fenton is a very popular destination and is almost always full on the weekends.

Fenton Lake State Park

While there will be a limited supply of non reservation campsites in the Jemez this summer, the forest roads within the Santa Fe National Forest are always a good bet for dispersed camping, which means no bathrooms, no picnic tables and no cost…and usually more elbow room. Please be prepared to ‘pack it in, pack it home’ (trash), as the forest service does not provide for trash disposal in the dispersed areas.

Please continue to consult this web page for up to the minute information with regard to recreation in the Jemez Mountains and any possible fire restrictions.


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