Archive for July, 2011

Not So Fast….Says Homeland Security

Wednesday, July 6th, 2011

Hwy 4 was scheduled to be opened Wednesday July 6th at 5:30am, but the State Police, NMDOT, and Homeland Security stepped in and shut the door on that idea.

NM State Hwy 4 will remain closed to all traffic indefinately.

Opened….closed…..opened. I can’t keep up with the changes. The barricades were removed this morning and Hwy 4 was opened for all traffic. For now. Stay tuned.

State Hwy 4 to Reopen

Tuesday, July 5th, 2011

According to information gathered by, State Hwy 4 is scheduled to reopen tomorrow (July 6th) at 5:30 am. This will facilitate traffic flow back into Los Alamos for the reopening of LANL.

How Do You Know When You Are a New Mexican??

Sunday, July 3rd, 2011

When it rains you find yourself on your porch watching, feeling, smelling and absorbing the beauty of it all. That is what I found myself doing about noon today.

According to my eyeballs and radar images, the thunderstorm formed just north of La Cueva (and Amanda’s) and moved south dropping about a third if an inch of rain. We also received some pea sized hail. The last three days I have measured about a half inch if rain.

This storm appeared to have missed the main Las Conchas fire area….but I hope I am wrong.

These storms seem to be spotty with some being lucky and some not. Although we are very, very far from being out of the woods as far as fire danger goes, this is a good start. Especially considering that most forecasters indicate that the real monsoon is still a couple weeks away.

Anyway, it feels good up here in the Jemez…right now. Woohoo.